Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Microposting - The Method of the Future

Microposts. Small posts that describe how I'm feeling at any given moment as opposed to big huge updates. Hopefully more frequent. Sentence fragments abound.

In class right now. Should be paying attention. Stomach hurts. Has been doing so last few days. What's with that?

Assignment due at 4:00 today. Damn everything. I need to do these things sooner.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you are just weak. Strengthen your insides. Or die trying. Eat spicy food. Or crab. Lots and lots of crab. Coated in Old Bay. Lots of sentence fragments here, too.


Anonymous said...

I imagine you completed your assignment before it was due. If your stomach hurts, stop eating. If you feel fatigue and your stomach still hurts, you still shouldn't eat as the fatigue is not very likely to be from hunger but rather from healing or tiredness. I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

So much for microposting. :/

Anonymous said...

Hey, Luke, no more eating too much stuff at one sitting. It'll kill you.
Even lobster.