Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Post - To Give Thanks, That's Why We Do It

You might be thinking, aha, where was Wednesday's post? I say to you, aha, you couldn't expect me to keep to my regular schedule and not post on a holiday? That's ridiculous. So here's today's post...

Hmm. I don't know exactly how substantive this is going to be. My entire audience who reads this blog, mostly, has seen me and did whatever I did in the last few days. I can talk about the awesome Magic draft that we had, but everyone was there. I can talk about our delicious Thanksgiving dinner, but everyone had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, so nothing really special and worth mentioning there.

I suppose it's worth mentioning that I'm going to post another installment of Dr. McMillan soon. It might be slightly shorter than the others...or not. But rest assured that I have a very definite idea of where I'm going with it this time, that (as it has been pointed out by more adept readers than I) I somewhat was lacking in last time. I panicked, realized I had to update, and came up with something good. Not great, but good. As I say, my girlfriend, whom I love very much and is quite skilled in these matters, will edit and proofread the next installment, as well as retroactively go back and look at the last two and edit them. I'll post the complete and edited version when it's finished.

A note: I am changing directions with the next installment. I've got it planned right out. This time there'll be a scene with dialogue and character interaction and everything. Not just detached narration, you heard me. However, not now. Probably Monday. Possibly Friday, but I doubt it, seriously. I won't have much time for writing.

They ended World War Hulk, finally. The next bit is a spoiler, so I'll italicize it. If you don't want to be spoiled, or don't care about comic books, skip over the italics.
I guess they handled it just about as well as they should have, having sort of written themselves into a corner when they brought out the Sentry at the end of #4. Hulk is clearly no match for the Sentry physically, and yet they had the fight anyway...and Hulk was somehow equal, despite feeling no personal animosity towards Sentry like he did towards Black Bolt, Strange, Richards, and Stark. In fact, the only feelings he has for Sentry is years of friendship. And come to think of it, didn't Sentry exude a radiation that calmed the Hulk down? Did they just up and forget about that?

Meh. Regardless of that, they slashed the Sentry's power grossly if him "cutting loose" was jut a lousy pillar of flame that didn't even destroy the city. He has the power of a million exploding suns, doesn't he? Him sneezing should translate the solar system into the galaxy's newest expanding dust cloud. "Going all out" would turn the Milky Way into a flashbulb, and probably seriously distort the surrounding galaxies as well. Maybe Robert Reynolds was still imposing psychic restrictions on Sentry's power, in much the same way Bruce Banner did to Hulk during the Onslaught arc. I can't think of any other reason for this depowering. I mean, this is a guy who they literally stated "fought Galactus to a standstill," and him unleashing the fury was a wimpy fireball. Great shot with Reynolds and Banner pummeling each other, though.

I fail to see how the satellite weaponry could have downed Hulk, especially after his rage was rekindled anew. Maybe he wanted to be taken down? I don't know. All I do know is, buried three miles underneath the surface of the earth and being in suspended animation or not, if Hulk decides to transform and unleash, nothing's stopping him. All they've done is held him back for a little while. Long enough for his son, Skaar, to emerge. And what the heck is that, might I ask. We're supposed to believe that a bundle of cells too small to even make a sizable impression in Caeira's belly survived the blast, the subsequent aftershocks, and managed to gestate to fully-grown under the surface of a dead planet? Come on, people. Even explaining that he's the son of the Hulk, that stretches plausibility to the breaking point.
Okay, I'm done. And it felt good to write all that down.

Sorry this wasn't more substantive. As I say, practically everyone that reads this was with me last two days, so I can hardly see a reason for a longer post. I'll update more fully on Friday.

And the Luke-Approved YouTube Link of the Day is this: A relic known as the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, this was their famous end credits song, "Do the Mario!" Set to the Mario theme, of course. That's a bit of nostalgia for anyone who ever played it, or watched the show.


Mom: Yeah, I didn't even realize until after I had written the first sentence that I was using the hated passive tense. So I figured I'd make a joke, what I always try to do when I uncover one of my fresh idiocies. And I have decided: skiing. There have been SOME good book/movie translations, but not freaking many. I don't even want to go into video-game/movie translations.

Stephe: Obviously not. But I'll see you tomorrow, we'll have turkey then, yes we shall. One reply? Oddsbodikins. Such a thing has never chair? NO! Lies, calumny and deceit, I say. I will return to see it fully intact. Unless my roommate pawned it for booze money, which he doesn't strike me as the type to do. It's not just that the movie is about gay people, it's that it isn't about Cthulhu. (Not hard to spell! You saw me write it many times!)

Dad: All right, but what spawned this comment, may I ask? And I guess I should have just said "Hollywood," instead of targeting a specific group. I notice you say "the first two X-Men movies," because you're right, the third one resembles anything else X-Men related as much as it resembles My Little Pony. I need to find more movies like these, that I haven't already seen. Harlan Ellison actually wrote something that won't send me into the blackest pits of depression? My word.

Nolan: Good to see you posting. I checked out the video, it was pretty interesting. And no, I don't follow RvB. They lost me after they changed to Halo 2.

Vic: As it happened, you caught the festivities. How happy you were about that is debatable. And maybe I'll break down and see Beowulf, if only for Angelina Jolie. <3

Karen: That is an intriguing string of alliteration. Maybe you should start writing, or at least email me suggestions...I couldn't come up with something like that in the deepest darkest days of my detention of the most dolorous doldrums that ever darned a dirt-poor writer like myself. See what I mean?

McMillan's world is just an unnamed world similar to ours, but in a different universe. Or maybe just far away physically. It doesn't matter, his only interaction with ours began and ended with the List. And the movies, I guess. I'm glad to see you watch the band, and it's upsetting that all that football keeps getting in the way. Frankly, I'd prefer my team to win, because not only will the campus be jubilant, I'll get to snarkily call my parents and rub it in. It'll be perfect.

And I'm glad SOMEONE understands about the cantaloupe.



Anonymous said...

"I can talk about the awesome Magic draft that we had, but everyone was there." Lies! Tommorow we're going to split that cantaloupe before you leave, no excuses. I hope the Gators lose hardcore. I'm looking forward to the next McMillan episode. See you tommorow (today technically)!

Cantaloupe is eaten with a smile!


Anonymous said...

Yeh...I wasn't really following WWHulk, but I was interested in how they'd finally bring 'im on down. Doesn't make a lotta sense to me, either. Mayabe I should actually read the five issues. Where do you get the .cbr files for all these comics? I know where I can find the reader.

Also interested in the continuing struggles of Dr. McMillan. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

I love you very much for the italics!

So what if everyone was there? I'm there for some of the stuff that you post about and I still dutifully read your blog and post replies. It would have done them good to read about events they were involved in and experience your... interesting recap of events.

I concur with "Steve," Cantaloupe is eaten with a smile.


Anonymous said...

You might consider posting what you are thankful for... :-)

-- Your appreciate Dad