Saturday, November 3, 2007

Argh, I Can't Believe I Did That - Recovery

Sorry. As you could see, there was no Friday update. Yes, I know. That sucks. But understand what my schedule has been like for the last two days:

Thursday night:
Just as I'm going to bed, my roommate staggers in, blind drunk and with a couple of girls, and intimates that it would be best if I left for a little while. So I do. When I arrive back, he's passed out and the girls are looking bored. Between that and a bunch of other stuff that happened...
5:00 AM - I finally get to bed.

10:00 AM - I get up to go to the homecoming parade, with the rest of the marching band I'm in.
11:00 AM - I arrive. We practice for a while, then
12:00 PM - We march in the parade.
1:30 PM - We're done with the parade. We (the tuba section) go out to a Chinese buffet.
3:30 PM - I arrive home.
3:32 PM - Sleep.
6:30 PM - Get up and get ready for performing in Gator Growl, the big pep rally for homecoming week.
7:00 PM - We perform. Our performance is slightly overshadowed by the fact that the field caught fire during the show. (As a much better writer than me often states, I am not making this up.)
7:30 PM - We pack up and watch the rest of the rally from the stands.
10:00 PM - I get some dinner.
11:00 PM - Home.
11:01 PM - Sleep.
11:02 PM - At least, that's the idea. I can't seem to rest, and it isn't helped by all the drunken homecoming revelers around the building and my suitemates blasting loud music.
Around 2:00 AM - I finally get to sleep.

7:00 AM - Wake up, get ready for football game.
8:00 AM - Marching practice.
10:00 AM - GatorWalk pep rally-like thing, I'll explain later. Then lunch.
11:30 AM - Call time for the game.
12:30 PM - The game begins.
4:30 PM - I arrive here. Sleep some.
Now - I post this.

I really haven't had much time to do much of anything the last two days. Sorry, but that's just how it is. I'll post a detailed update on Monday, I promise. Replies to Wednesday's post's comments will also come on Monday.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Anonymous said...

We all have our busy days. So, what did you do with the two bored girls that it took you until 5AM? Hehe, surely you didn't just have a lengthy discussion on the nature of man. How exactly did a fire catch on the field? Explain all this GatorWalk business. I expect a rediculously extensive update on Monday.

Cantaloupe. (Mmmm...)


Anonymous said...

The field caught on fire? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
You're right, you can't make these things up!
I love 11 pm home
11:01 sleep, but NOT.
I love you kiddo,
God bless,

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you something amazing Luke. Today I had a spiky orange melon! It was crazy, the inside was like jello!!! I wish I knew why it was so expensive. I'll stick to cantaloupe for now...


Anonymous said...

I suppose you meant next Monday? Haha, I'm sure you have your reasons. I hope you update soon.


Anonymous said...

You cannot leave it at "When I arrive back, he's passed out and the girls are looking bored. Between that and a bunch of other stuff that happened...". Come on: a bunch of other stuff happened?!?!? Details, man, we want details... :-)

Luke, you have to write this stuff either realizing that your girl-friend and parents and aunts and grand-parents are reading it (in which case you need to be clear about what actually happened, ie, not very much) or you don't realize they are reading it (in which case you need to supply many more prurient details, some of which may or may not be factual, but written only as you can write it)!

In either case, you **CANNOT** leave it at "a bunch of other stuff happened..." :-)

-- Your curious Dad