Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Witty Title Goes Here

Theoretically, it should, at least.

I really don't have much to talk about. I'm kind of bitter, on account of the girl I've been sort of hoping to go out with for the last month or so just turned me down. As nicely as possible, certainly, and we're still good friends, but...eh. It's the first time I've really had that happen, had a girl I've been after for a while spurn me like that. It was the old "You're sweet, and I like you as a friend, but I just don't see you like that" talk. Sigh, sigh, very deep sigh. But, as the saying goes, life goes on. 24,998 other eligible girls on campus, after all.

But in the realm of good news, I'm making strides on getting that radio job every day. Basically, I'm going to the studio whenever I find myself with a free hour or something and working on recording my voice in mock "breaks." Breaks are those bits on the radio when you hear the jocks talking about the next song coming up or the contest that night or something. I went in yesterday and recorded myself doing five breaks, and today I shared them with Harry Guscott. He told me that I was much improved, and in fact was doing "more than adequately" (which from him, apparently, is high praise), but I still had a few problems. No biggie, that's what practice is for.

Today I participated in a taste test at the Food and Nutrition building. I figured they might appreciate my unique perspective. They gave me cups of juice and told me to rate them and give brief descriptions. I sampled pineapple-orange (I liked it) and apple (not so much). The cool bit was they gave us crackers and a glass of water to cleanse our palates between cups. At the end, I got a coupon for 50 cents off a meal at one of the dining halls, so I went and had lunch there. I discovered that broccoli is another vegetable I can eat, so I had some of that and some spinach. Victoria recommended that I get some garlic and cover my vegetables in it. She may or may not have been joking. Perhaps her goal is to get me to spray half-chewed garlic-and-vegetable admixture out of my nose with sufficient force to dent the wall opposite.

I'm sad to say it, but I have officially decided to drop my Spanish class. It has to be done. I can't compete in this class. I got a 39% on the first essay and a 58% on the first test. I don't even want to think about the oral report I would have had due in three weeks. It just requires a level of fluency that I don't have and can't acquire in time to succeed. My mother will be upset, and I commiserate, but frankly I know when I'm beaten, and I'd rather have a W on my transcript than a big fat F.

I went to my first session in the procrastination study. My doctor ("I'm not a doctor yet," he said when I addressed him as such. "I'm in the last year of my doctorate. I have two master's degrees, though," he said, when I looked a little suspicious. "I'm no newbie.") is an affable fellow named Bob, and I spent most of the first session just talking about my problem and trying to come up with things that symbolize it well. He wrote down some things on a piece of paper and suggested that I read it when I get up and go to bed. Whatever works, I say.

Eh. Not terribly inspired to write at the moment...I've been thinking of writing a new line of short stories. I call them "Protector of the Universe." It's about a human who was fated to be, well, the protector of the universe, and to this end on his 21st birthday manifested insane, godlike powers with which to keep a lid on things, cosmically speaking. The stories would follow him as he traveled around Earth, taking care of various supernatural discrepancies. Yeah, he's too powerful to be directly opposed by pretty much anyone, but in some of the best superhero stories I've ever read, the power of the main character is irrelevant to the story. Storylines of the Incredible Hulk and the Sentry directly reflect this - they're mostly too powerful for anyone to fight, so the story doesn't focus on their big battles, it focuses more on inner issues. His abilities take a backseat to what happens and a more psychological aspect, how he deals with things. Though he's in no danger of failing, how he takes care of business might be just as interesting. I'll write one and see how it goes.

Today sucked. There was a tornado watch, and of course tonight had to be the night that I walked all the way to the bookstore outside of campus, in a driving rain. And I think my umbrella has holes in it. Today seemed rife with, I don't know, ennui seems like a good description, if my definition of ennui being "a sort of tired boredom" is accurate. Overcast and rainy days always get me down. I'm not usually like this. Nothing seems terribly interesting. Eh. Either it'll fade by tomorrow or I'll have to seriously kick myself in the behind in the morning to get things going again. Maybe I'll pick something I feel strongly about and build up a head of rage. Anger always dispels depression for me.

Anger, to me, has always been greater than depression. Anger is a productive force. I don't believe depression has ever spawned anything at all useful in this world except maybe for some art. Anger is one of the driving forces of civilization, of invention, of passion and fire.

Tomorrow, if I have free time, I'll go to the Apartment Hunters shop I heard about from my RA, Ricky. Since I got wait-listed for housing on account of some misfiled paperwork, I pretty much have no chance of living on-campus next year unless I qualify to be an RA. So I'm looking for an apartment. Mike, if you're reading this, I'll find a place where your share will be around $2,000 a semester, or less if I can find it. I'm willing to pay a little extra on my share to keep yours down - frankly, even if I do this, it'll be less than I'm paying now. Hume is the most expensive dorm on campus, costing over $2,800 per semester.

I'm listening to music as I write this. My music player is on "Random." I glanced at the song I was listening to, it's by Metallica and called "My Friend of Misery." Next song, I think.

Ah, Disturbed's "Land of Confusion." Awesome song. I feel better already.

On the plus side, I'm going to a club for the first time in my life on Friday evening. Friday's going to be busy for me: from 4:00-7:00, I have my RA retreat. At 7:00, Dungeons & Dragons begins. And at 11:00, I leave for the club, whichever one it is we're going to. I left the planning and suchlike entirely to my friend Catherine, who has much more experience in these matters. It as yet remains to be seen how I handle the club scene. If it's at all what I expect it'll be - a smoky, poorly-lit room packed to the eyebrows with people trying to act cool and music pounding over speakers at a volume that violates certain laws of physics merely by existing - then I probably won't do it much. But, as I say, it remains to be seen how things will go.

And, that's about it. Today's Luke-Approved YouTube Link of the Day is probably going to be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw This is for anyone who's ever wondered exactly why Captain Falcon has the move "Falcon Punch" in Super Smash Bros. As for everyone else, well, it's only thirty seconds long. Give it a try, it's pretty funny, in an over-the-top kind of way.

REPLIES. (in a bit.)

Steve: Truth. Twenty-six days.

Enish: Thanks for the vote of confidence, man. I truly appreciate it. You really have no idea how much you did to keep me going...

Steve: Whoa there, Skippy. I want to start eating better, not be a whole-grain and tofu-eating lunatic freak such as yourself. I can't stand whole-grain pasta, it tastes like it's made of sand, granulating to pieces in my mouth. (And no, I haven't just been buying the cruddy kind.) And I did get actual vegetables, not just juice, read the whole list.

I know about stadium runs. I tried to do it once, and became exhausted after about 15 minutes. I know, I know, out of shape. I'm working on it, dadgummit. I'll take the picture when I'm good and ready. STFU about milk.

Mike: Yes, yes, blame the action cards and not my supreme awesomeness. Bear in mind that you did have the Dreadnought and several other ships. I had, literally, a Carrier and a handful of fighters, out of range of helping.

Mom: I'm chipping away at this whole radio-station gig a little at a time. When I advance next is up to Mr. Guscott. He'll tell me when I'm ready, which I am hoping will be soon. There's no way to bypass Steven's milk-related objections, not now. He's on a roll. I'm actually eating raw spinach and broccoli as my main vegetable staples, at the moment. Haven't tried sweet potatoes. My posture is okay, better than it was. It's a slow process.

Steve: I have only one response: fermented milk??

Michelle: Good to see you still going. You had me concerned a while back. And thanks.

Dad: I am hoping so. I have my demo tape on me, but it's on a minidisc, and I have no idea how to convert that to a CD or any other medium. And I'm still working on the food, dangblastit.



Anonymous said...

Lucas, good on you for the broccoli, try sweet pots also. Also good on you for continuing to work on the dj spot. Practice does not make perfect, but it makes better.

Shot down by a girl? Sorry. I did that once to a guy. It's the price you men pay--you have the advantage of making the moves, but also take more of the chance of getting rejected. Eventually you will find...HER. You will. And she will be lucky and blessed. And so will you.

On this going to a club thing, you know what else is there besides smoke and loud, bad music? Alcohol and drugs. Be vewy, vewy caweful, my dear kiddo. You got talked into buying a nail buffer. Do not let anyone talk/trick you into putting anything illegal/dangerous into your body, ok?

You DROPPED SPANISH! Mistake! Can you take a simpler course next semester? You will regret not knowing Spanish--I know you will.
No seas bobo.

love you and see you this weekend,

Anonymous said...

Does your radio station play online? I've seen that youtube a million times already, it's so over-the-top.

I don't eat tofu. Nothing about eating healthy means you have eat disgusting processed garbage like tofu. Whole grain pasta doesn't taste like sand, you did something wrong, haha. You got a couple of vegetables, and a big thing of V8. More V8 than vegetables means you need more vegetables. The broccoli and spinach are good choices, especially the broccoli. Try garlic and onions, those always taste good.

I stopped caring about the picture now. You are too slow to complete a minute's task so just forget about it.

Milk is polluted with blood and puss.

Twenty five days!


Anonymous said...

Almost forgot, I knew you weren't going to pass that Spanish, haha. Knowing english and switching to spanish is like using a Ti-83 calculator and then switching to an abacus. English evolved beyond assigning every noun some random gender, and has a structure that eliminates the need for excessive vowels. I know I simply cannot learn Spanish beyond some slow reading capability.


rekenner said...

Yes, I am reading this. I have your blog on RSS feed, so I tend to at least skim all the new entries I see. Cost isn't a *huge* deal, as long as it isn't over ~$2500/sem. My real concern is distance, as that's the real killer. I love where I live because nowhere I regularly go to involves more than a 10-15 minute walk.

Anonymous said...

Luke! I'm commenting once more!

Sorry about the depression. We all have random bouts. Like when I was sick with Mono I don't think the world ever looked so darned gray even with a bright blue sky above my head and green grass at my feet.

After scanning tu mama's post, I have to ask: You're coming down this weekend!? Why doesn't anyone ever tell me these things?! Sheesh.

Oh, I know this is off topic and somewhat random, but last weekend I bought both Moulin Rouge and Across the Universe. Yes, I was in a mood for musicals. I'm not sure how into the Beatles you are, but I HIGHLY recommend giving Across the Universe a watch. I love it.

So, now that I felt like I've rambled enough to make up for my lack of posts for however long, I bid you farewell!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! The background still goes blinkety-blink!


Anonymous said...

You have the right attitude: this too shall pass. You are mature enough to recognize that you are in a temporary funk, and will come out of it at some point. It is like being physically sick (a cold or something): you have it, but you are basically healthy so you will recover.

Too bad about your female friend. It happens. All I can say is remember Babe Ruth, who had the most home runs and the most strike-outs, because he went for it every single time. You've just been struck out, and that attempt is over and done with. Learn what went wrong, and step up to the plate again (and again and again...). You will get a hit eventually, and even if that one fouls out, you just try again. As you say, 2 down, 24998 to go. And that just counts current students: remember that next year there is a new crop of freshmen girls, at least some of whom would be thrilled to go out with a junior who is either an RA or has their own apartment off-campus! :-)

-- Your (still) tired Dad

Anonymous said...

My Friend of Misery is one of the less-impressive songs from the Black Album. The first ten tracks were artwork, though. Even the ones nobody talks about, like The God that Failed. It begins with a pretty sweet bass lick. I like the Bass. I'm playing the bass for my 'band'.


PS: Nightmare Fuel. Don't you dare steal that band name.