Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Thoughts, Such As They Are

My head hurts, a bit. Can't really say why.


I have something due every day starting tomorrow until, Thursday, since that day I have a test. It's a bit grating on the nerves. Maybe at one point I'll actually have a look at what any of it is. (Joking.)

I'm watching a friend of mine play Spore, this sort of weird evolution-civilization game. You can start with a single cell and end with an intergalactic civilization, with all the steps more-or-less well-documented on the way.

I must confess to having a bit of writer's block, but Jamie (the aforementioned friend) is adamant that I update. Not that I've ever known him to read it before, but there we are. So, basically, he's telling me to update something he barely knows exists.

Now he's eating my candy.

It's bad enough that, in my ignorance, I decided to go to Red Lobster that morning, and I couldn't very well leave Jamie to languish at home while I ate Red Lobster, so I brought him along, and decided that hey, I'm under food budget for the week, I'll take care of this.

I don't even want to think about the cost. What I do want to think about was that it was one of the greatest meals of my life. Because of circumstances that probably fall squarely into a crushing lack of lobster in my life, I found myself making the interesting lifestyle choice: ordering two one and one-quarter pound lobsters because it was slightly cheaper than ordering one three-pound lobster, and anyway this way I'd get two helpings of everything I liked.

This after mozzarella sticks and a big shrimp cocktail. And three of those famous Red Lobster cheesy buttery biscuits.

I ate everything. My God, was I hungry.

More later.

It's later now.

No, all that did not fit into my food budget. I got...overexuberant. And hungry. Let's not forget the hunger. I went grossly over-budget. Let me put it this way...I exceeded what is normally my budget for the whole week on one meal.

But it was worth every penny because it was delicious.

Anyway, I just ordered the hotel rooms for Megacon. Four rooms. Two for guys, one for girls (because some of the girls coming insisted, I say, whatever floats yer boats), one for my parents who like to come as well. And I have got to get my measurement taken for that dumb trenchcoat.

And I've got to stop spending money so recklessly. Seriously. I must cut back majorly or face poverty.


Anonymous said...

You ordered two lobsters and shrimp cocktail out of your left over food budget for the week? What the heck is your food budget? That meal would probably take up a big chunk of our food budget for the week, and we are supplying 3.5 people...

Any progress on investigating New York City? Please don't come home next weekend without having any ideas or having done any work on this. Really, don't do that.

-- Your slightly less crippled Dad

Anonymous said...

Luke, call me with the price for the room, I may need to beg some more money out of my grandma.


Anonymous said...

Lmao this post rules! You wrote about letting projects pile up, binging on poor food with money you don't have, and securing four rooms for the best weekend of the year. All I have to say is this: is there room for one more?


Anonymous said...

You and I have **GOT** to have a good meal in New York City, a place known for its world class dining. If you consider Red Lobster as one of the finest meals in your life, I have obviously failed as a parent.

I understand that hunger is the best spice, but still... :-(

-- Your gourmand Dad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...