Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why I Look Like It

Viral conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is currently plaguing me. I am not to look at TV or computer screens, or even read small print. At least, with my afflicted eye.

So, the eyepatch. More of a headband, really. I have a mandatory meeting tonight for my TV class, and I found a solution. Inelegant, but it works. Hopefully the conjunctivitis will be gone by tomorrow or the next day, as the doctor predicted it would, especially if I keep my eye half-closed constantly with this device here.



Anonymous said...

You went to see a doctor for just pinkeye? Wouldn't it much easier to buy fruits and prevent pink eye from manifesting in the first place? It's not just me now, I convinced Kovacs to eat exclusively fruits just like I do. There's real science behind it, and all that crap about 'balance' and 'moderation' and scare tactics to caution you from eating 'too much fruit' is just junk science. Anything that can only be eaten in moderation probably should not be eaten at all. I want you to just try it for a month with aboslute exclusivity and after just two weeks you'll already know you'll never have a reason to stop as your allergies cure themselves, your muscles get less fatigued from use, your mind requires less rest, and everything that goes into your mouth is covered in natural sugar.

*eating a kiwi*


Anonymous said...

Hey Lucas you got that pirate look going...
love ya arr,

Anonymous said...

Again, Nolan.
You are the dorkiest, not-awesome, lameish Kakashi impersonation ever.

Just sayin'.