Monday, September 29, 2008

A Week In Study, Also, Interpersonal Relationships

The week was good. Thursday I went out with Dana, and we've spoken since then once or twice. Oddly, after I got back from dinner on Thursday, I fell asleep - at 7:30 p.m. Didn't wake up until the next morning. I don't quite understand that, since I hadn't been lacking sleep, but oh well. I've had worse happen to me than losing an evening to sleep.

Friday was entertaining. We went out for Mike's birthday party. We went to a restaurant called Rolls and Bowls, a sushi and such place. I tried cucumber for the first time, and by God it tastes like nothing at all. I could eat a barrel of these things. Though I am slightly bitter that when they say "steamed shrimp" for one of the ingredients, they mean "we throw on two shrimp." Two. I'm hungrier than that.

Then we went to see Kung Fu Panda, which I hadn't seen before, and which is surprisingly good. It messes around with a lot of the established kung-fu movie tropes, and has a good story. Even if I can follow the narrative arc easily of "beginning, establishing characters, ascending action, preview of villainy, fun times as the story unfolds, villain attacks, low point as characters are demoralized, upswing, final battle," that's not necessarily a bad thing, since most movies are like that. I really enjoyed it. Even if Matt did deliberately laugh during inappropriate times, because he's a misanthrope like that.

Then pool. Not much to say here, I lost. Kevin managed not to finish by sinking his own ball this time, like he did against Mike and me earlier in the week. I...honestly don't remember who won. Doesn't really matter, we played like fifteen games.

Saturday, I went with Rachel and some of her friends to Lake Wauburg, to which I have never been. I got there first and explored, finding a 55-foot-tall rock wall that I had originally planned to climb, but quailed and left. Not entirely my fault, though, as none of the girls wanted to climb it either except Rachel, and she demurred on account of nobody else was going to and there was a big line.

So we went to the other side of the lake and borrowed some kayaks. I've never kayaked before, but it was surprisingly easy. I managed not to roll the boat and drown myself, which is a plus. I went swimming, met a bunch of girls in the water, suffered once again from the Paradox of the Glasses-Wearer, made a new friend named Julie.

When I got home, nobody had moved in the time I was gone. I played a bit of WoW, then went downstairs and watched Die Hard with everyone. This was the result of an argument between me and the others over which was the rotten Die Hard movie, #2 or #3. I maintained #3 sucked, they maintained #2 sucked. I suggested we compromise and watch #1. We agreed. It was as good as it ever was.

I was dismayed to hear that at the end of the movie, everyone was packing it in. In summary, my friends, after a long and hard day of sitting around the house, punctuated by a grueling expedition to Publix to buy some food, decided to call it a night at ten o'clock p.m. on a Saturday. This...annoyed me. So I went out and visited Henry, then eventually resigned myself to the fact that nothing was going to happen and returned home. But I tried, dammit, I tried.

But whatever. On Sunday, I started the new D&D campaign with Chuck DMing and Steven, Matt, and Victoria with me. It's this weird variant called "gestalt" where we all play two character classes at once, very overpowered, but interesting. It allows for a changeable style of gameplay.

At the end of the session, we heard that Megacomics, the local comics/games/Magic card shop, was closing its doors for the very last time that day, so we all piled into Chuck's car and took advantage of the "Everything is 50% or 75% off" sale. Though there is a silver lining - the shop may soon open up again under a new owner.

But interacting with the others this week has taught me a valuable lesson about two people I regularly interact with, those being Mike and Victoria.

They...don't like me. This is the only conclusion I can draw. Despite apparently being my friends and hanging out where I hang out, they seem to take every opportunity to call me out, to put me down, to just generally crap in my casserole. I have a couple of theories as to why this is true.

On Mike's part, he and I have very similar personalities, except for a few key differences. Both of us act in a way that annoys the other, insofar as we both think we're right about everything and are similarly loath to admit we're wrong. Whenever a clash of facts occurs, one or the other of us races to the Internet to prove the point, with the person proved wrong dismissing the argument or just giving the point up, claiming that he is no longer interested. Both of us do this. I am realizing the futility of the whole thing.

As for me relating to him, I see a lot in him that was once in me...and a lot about him that I still have within me, and I don't like it. I see a lot in him that is also in myself, and it makes me angry, like I'm looking at a backsliding version of myself. Bluntly, there's a lot in him I see in myself that I no longer want to. So I guess I sort of resent him. Not the fairest thing in the world, but there we are.

Victoria? Ex-girlfriend, plus she's a little bit psycho. Her admission. So no real surprises there.

My new plan is this: I'll simply limit my contact with these two to the absolute bare minimum that is required for things like getting work done around the house, interacting with each other in a group context, all that sort of thing. Talking to them when unnecessary doesn't really do me or anyone else any good - people tell me that it annoys them when Mike and I snipe at each other, and I can't imagine my squabbles with Victoria endear me any more to the people around me, so I say, fuck it and good riddance.

Some might wonder how I'll avoid contact with a person who lives with me. To those people, I refer them to my fourth roommate, Anne-Flore, who hardly says a word to Mike or Zack, despite living with them. They just have nothing to do with her, and she with them. I can pull that off if she can.

I know he'll read this. Mike. Victoria will either read it on her own or be referred to it by Mike. I don't really care. Them knowing about this change will only make it easier, unless either of them makes the perplexing move of deliberately confronting me about my isolationism at every opportunity. Unless they actually derive some sick pleasure from cutting me down (which I don't really think they do, I'm just a convenient target when I'm around), I can't see this happening. So them knowing won't alter the plan at all.

This really came to a head a few days ago, when I decided I would put two columns on a bit of paper I carry in my pocket, one each for Mike and Victoria, and every time one of them said something hurtful, rude, hostile, or just generally mean-spirited to me without provocation (obviously, we go back and forth a lot, exchanging volleys of barbs, I mean the instances wherein I would merely walk into the room or say something like "What's this music you're listening to?" and get blasted for it), I would put a little tick mark underneath the column appropriate. After only two days, I was...distressed, let's say, at the rate at which the little tick marks accumulated. Seeing concrete evidence like that was really what convinced me to make this change.

Michelle said he and the others are holding me back, and cautioned me about spending time around Victoria. Chuck and Henry both identify Mike as "the ultimate cock-block," both of them using those exact words without knowing the other did so, and both have told me I'm a fool for maintaining ties with Victoria after our history. I listen very closely to what these people tell me about my life, since a lot of the time they're right. (Michelle is my sister and knows more about interpersonal relationships than anyone else I know, I've listened closely to Henry since his advice changed my life, and Chuck is generally knowledgeable, despite kind of being a jackass a lot of the time.)

So whatever. Hello and farewell, say I, I know a lotta people and two less ain't gonna kill me. Especially two less people who take every opportunity to belittle me. And while some contact is inevitable, I'll just swallow their words and not respond unless absolutely necessary to the plot.

k. That's a plan. Now to see if I can follow through with it.


rekenner said...

Protip: Talk to people and don't be a passive agressive dick. Also, stop thinking you're better than people.
Saturday, I was running on 4 hours of sleep! Because I wanted to be up early to make breakfast for people. Which, I succeeded at.

So, just because I live a different style doesn't meant it's worse than your's. It's how I live.

PS: Ultimate cock-block? So, when I tell you that it's a dick move to try to break a couple up so you can date the girl, I'm cockblocking, right? I can't think of anything else I've done to prevent you from dating someone. Or does banter hurt you so? Because, really, banter. Grow a thicker skin.

tl;dr: Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you

rekenner said...

Comments, round 2. Fight.

By the way, Luke. No, I don't dislike you. Well, didn't, at any rate. You can be annoying in how you ... don't seem to give a shit when people say "Hey, you're doing something annoying, could you please stop?" Like... You know, talking far too loudly and proclaiming and yelling your own awesomeness every time you make a vaguely decent poolshot. But, hey, everyone is annoying at times. You've found me annoying many a time, I'm sure.

And, really, it's not like Vic isn't... a far, far busier person than say both of us combined. So, her not wanting to go clubbing when she was going to have to be up for church at 7 AM on Sunday? Fully understandable.

Speaking of going clubbing. It's not my thing. It's ... no one's thing that was here, that night, except occasionally Kait and Vic. See previous comment about how people are different. To be totally fair? Average clubbing/barhopping person is probably not going to be someone I'd want to hang out with. Sure, there's exceptions. Still, it's not an environment I enjoy and prospects of meeting someone? Slim.

Acting self-righteous about your life style being better than someone else's isn't exactly the way to endear yourself to them, and that's pretty much how you've been acting in the last few weeks.

So... Yeah.

PS: Hey anon, who're you?

Anonymous said...

The beauty of college is that you have a huge group of people that are available for interaction, and you can change that group at a whim. That may also be a drawback of college, in that you can get lost and have only minimal interaction with people, but somehow I expect that this is not your problem...

Find people you like, and work on being the best friend you can be. And for those people with whom you aren't able to achieve this goal, a discreet silence is your friend.

As we have discussed before, if you don't want people to know something, publishing it on your blog may not be the best tactic. And being audibly (and, from rekenner's comments, rudely or at least passive aggressively) forthcoming when people don't do what you want, may also not accomplish your goal of being a good friend to everyone. FYI.

I applaud your new policy of trying to get something going at many points in the week. Lake Wauburg is certainly a fine option, and I am sure that the website that you found which lists all of the activities on campus may also have some good stuff. Keep it up, even if only for yourself.

-- Your (now a grandfather) tired Dad

Anonymous said...

The ability to recognize the mechanics of your own enjoyments and frustrations would be an important asset for you to obtain now more than ever. Always remember that a healthy mindset requires no emotional venting.



Michelle said...

Talk to people instead of callin them out on your blog. If they continue to be assholes, THEN call them out on your blog! Post their responses to what you said, and not only is it more fair to them but it makes a better story.

'Rekenner' (who I assume is Mike): I don't know you specifically, but I know that you are identical to all the other people he's been spending time with. If you're one of his roommates, then I did meetcha and, well, my point is proven. He isn't being arrogant, he's trying to keep nerds with no life from holding him back. I am pro-Lucas-having-a-life, and apparently you are anti, so why don't you leave the kid alone? If you want to sit and play magic or whateverthefck all day long, well, enjoy(?) but don't drag him down too. K? K!

Lucas again: Why don't you call ME out this time? At least tell your readers that you're a new uncle, I posted a billion (well, nine) baby pics on my blog so go see them!

Your big sis,
Mama Shelley

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, you need to talk to people face to face, not on the blog. It's not your finest, bravest moment.
Having said that, if you need to avoid people who are belittling you, do so, but always think about this? WHAT IS MY PART IN IT? Very few people, even victims, are completely innocent....I don't think you are! So please don't think you are always in the right!
That being said, relationships come and go. Getting along more or less with someone in the same apt. is only common sense, if you can do it!
tired Mama/Abuela

Anonymous said...

Hey, Luke, it's Nolan, and my comments here are going to be basically relevant.

To start with, first paragraph (kinda a good idea to start at the beginning, innit?). That happened to me once last year, I laid down for half an hour at 6 pm, and the next thing I knew, my dad was waking me up at 6 am the next morning.

About Kung Fu Panda, my sister saw it with about two dozen friends/classmates, and said it sucked horribly. On the other hand, my friend Stephen saw it, and said it was great. In fact, it must have been fantastic, since he downloaded a bootleg of it, which is now on his iPod.

Speaking of WoW, have they debugged the last boss in Utgard Keep yet? The last I saw, it was bugged so that you couldn't finish the dungeon.

Too bad about your games store closing, I guess this will impede your influx of cards for a while.

On to the really important bits. This is going to get sarcastic for a bit, so brace yourself.
Really, Luke? You have friends who constantly abuse, berate, and demoralize you? That's *so* terrible. That's so horrible, I can understand you sort of forgetting about them, but still hanging out with them. Okay, sarcasm over. You're helping no one riding the fence, Luke, least of all yourself. Pick a side, and stay on it. Either tell them that you're going to sever yourself from them, and do it, or keep doing what you have been. You can't have it both ways. Also, you really need to take a look at the people in your life, and recognize the difference between your friends and the people you hang out with. I have, and I have realized that, no offense to any of you, you, Travis, and the rest of them are not my friends. when refering to you, I'll say "my friends," but I know who my real friends are. On a more humorous note. In your talking about Mike's similarity to you, it occurs to me that if you, Mike, and Matt ever got together, you would create the Triforce of Buttheadedness. And Vic, yeah she's a little psycho, but it tends to be a good kind of psycho, at least when I'm in the general vicinity, it's a kind of psycho that's endearing, and mysteriously causes me to keep my anger in check.

Anonymous said...

Luke, you need to listen to this song in it's entirety. In fact, all of you need to listen to it, and I hope that, if nothing else, it will help you realize that your words and your actions have consequence. Regardless of how or why you say things, no matter how or if you mean them, they stay with people, and a lot of times, they hurt. No one is helped by this, especially not those who say these things.