Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Truly Ludicrous Amount Of Magic Cards

What have I been up to...Oh, yeah! I bust my hump writing out that completely awesome list of abilities and only three people bother to make a choice. Come on, you louts. Jake, Steve, those of you who actually read this blog, tell Travis and Matt and Dan and all those bums to hop on and comment just this once. I'm sure they'd all be willing to bite for this. I mean, I understand that they really don't much care one way or another what I get up to when I'm up in Gainesville, but this speaks directly to them as the nerds that they unquestionably are. Come on.

So what else? I performed the play fragment in class without a hitch. I added one word where a word shouldn't have been added, but I seriously doubt that the teacher noticed, or cared if he did notice. I did make the newbie mistake in blocking - when I sat down to face my fellow actress, I was facing away from about half the people in the room. Yeargh. Well, I'll fix it next time. I haven't read the new play (I should, since I have to practice it tomorrow morning with Mallory), but if it's anything near as ridiculous as this one was, I should have fun doing it.
I went on a grocery run, picking up all kinds of cold cuts and cheese and sandwich materials. It was about ten minutes after I got back that I realized: I'm going home this weekend. I have all these spoilable materials in my fridge. Here is one of those situations where this emoticon is perfectly applicable:


I don't usually go for emoticons beyond ;_; and XD, maybe an occasional o_O if I'm puzzled by something, but I like that one. Being that I type so incredibly fast anyway, I can spell out my emotions with words faster than most people can create an emoticon to describe the same concept.

I have had it about up to here with Team Fortress 2 elitists. I fancy myself a good sniper in that game; I can usually outfight any opposing snipers, and my accuracy is about 60% on moving targets, nearly 100% on slowly moving targets. But to hear these people talk, I wouldn't be good as a sniper unless I could single-handedly defeat the opposing team by pulling off snap-headshots from the hip in melee situations. Someone informed me that I was a bad sniper...because I used the scope. Gosh, I'm sorry that I use the weapon to its fullest potential. I suppose I'm to hit the enemies 100 yards away unscoped, is that right? If I were to do this, they would no doubt yell at me for missing. These people need to go back to the unfathomably competitive Counter-Strike game and let us normal players enjoy a peaceful game of TF2.

Oh, yes, I alluded to this earlier, and I feel I must now expand upon it. I'm coming home this weekend. I'll arrive tomorrow evening around 6:30, ish, and I'll need someone to pick me up at the bus stop. I'll call Travis or Dan or someone with a car, as my parents won't be getting in until around 8:30 - they've been in New Hampshire all week and are flying in about half an hour after I'm driving in. So, er, I'd better make some phone calls.

On Saturday, I'm going to the Morningtide Magic pre-release tournament in Fort Lauderdale, about an hour south of us. I was going to go to the Orlando one, but that's pointlessly far away for all the Wellingtonians to go to, and the bus doesn't take me there anyway. It would cost more for a round-trip Greyhound ticket to Orlando than my current round-trip bus ticket to Wellington costs. Which is pathetic. But we'll be getting lots of really nifty cards, and if anyone wants to come with us (the current group is myself, Travis, and Dan), say the word. We won't be spending the night, so no hotel bills, which frees up my money to spend on a truly ludicrous amount of Magic cards.

I'm applying to be a RA, Residential Advisor, for next year. I have to write a one-page essay and fill out these forms indicating how I would be good as an RA, yadda yadda yadda, and if I make it, I'll get a single room for the price of a double and get paid all semester. It won't be much, but it'll be more then what I'm getting now, which is nothing. But on the downside, I think this might actually involve interacting with the students in my hall. I can't be having with that. I'm not taking this job so I can actually, y'know, do the job. Or not. I guess I'll figure that out later.

Today's Luke-Approved YouTube Link of the Day is this: It's Kermit the Frog singing the alphabet song with a little girl named Joey. I include this because it is cute to the point of being sickening. Also, the faces Kermit pulls are hilarious.


Steve: "Superior ingestion patterns"? Is that really what you think of all that granola you snork down? And I don't see how making myself look like a fool in front of girls is actually a selected trait, it seems like something you'd breed out of existence. Interesting choices, but you must consider how the individuals you controlled will feel when they snap out of it and remember what they've been doing...

Jake: That's the spirit. I was asked online by someone if he could copy it and show it to his friends. I gave him full permission, if he attributed it. Nothing boils my bollocks like people taking writing without attributing it to its author. And yes, you could sacrifice two slots to Overcharge two powers. I was thinking of adding some "Synthesis" special powers that would come into existence if you chose two particular Overcharged abilities. I don't know what the Scout says, it sounds like a foreign language.

Mom: I hate 1, don't much like 2, can't stand 3, like 4, dislike 5, only like peanuts out of 6, only like carrots out of 7, and won't hold for 8. So I suppose I'm boned. And your powers are given to you without any conditions; if you use them foolishly, you'll probably get found out. Taking less conspicuous powers might be advantageous.

Karen: Good to see you commenting. Super Strength also gives you toughness, and you don't have to concentrate like you would with using Telekinesis. You know what, I give you nine perfectly fine powers, and you have to go and invent a new one. What am I going to all this work for, I ask you.

I don't drink much soda in the first place, so there's that. Push-ups are an excellent idea. I'll check out that link later - dinner's in the oven as I write this. Cool quotes.

Steve: I'll work on that. I can't run straight for half an hour...I can manage maybe 15 minutes, if I take a 1-minute walking break halfway through. Yeah, I'm out of shape. But I'm working on that. As for the other stuff, that's why I'm going to a personal trainer, so I can actually work out a regimen that works for me, so I'm not just pointlessly throwing weights around and possibly injuring myself.



Anonymous said...

I know I won't be there, but I hope you have fun at the prerelease. Your team fortress friends are right though, it's easier without the scope. The scope is great for long distances, which simply aren't present in 2fort, where it will only serve to impair your peripheral vision. Think about how you navigate a mouse on your computer and never miss a click despite how swiftly and thoughtlessly you move your mouse toward the button. It's the same thing in team fortess 2, pretend your enemies are angry icons seeking revenge for all the abusive clicking they've endured from you over the years, haha.

Evolution is a crazy thing, what nature deems fit changes with every event. I'm pretty sure you said I had control over the memories of those I controlled. Regardless, what are they going to do to a guy that fly and stop time, haha. I have no clue why you're talking about granola, I almost never eat granola (it's not bad though).

To give you an example, today I made brown rice with black beans, carrots, and peas, spiced with salt, pepper, onion powder, and a little bit of vegetable oil. I also had some almonds (no excuse for not liking) and walnuts (it grows on you). Of course, I drank some orange juice and a lot of water. Eating well is a lot more likely to make you fit than exercise, so it's important to make a genuine effort in that regard. That means cold cuts and cheese are out, and turnips are in (yes, the things Peach throws at you). EAT LIKE ME! MWAHAHAHA! Running becomes easy after a while, runner's high is one of the greatest feelings you can get. So run for however long you can, and increase this each time you run until you can make thirty minutes. Don't think of the distance, think of the time (although, in effect it should usually be about 3-4 miles).


Anonymous said...

*sigh*...I don't think I'll be coming to the pre-release with you guys. I wanted to, but I shouldn't really be blowing my money on more Magic. I 'spose I can pick up a theme deck and a few packs after they hit the shelves.


P.S. I actually did mention your superpower list to Matt earlier today, although I doubt he'll look at it without further motivation and/or prodding.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually follow the links you put up simply because, for the vast majority of it, it is items that I simply don't care about, i.e. video game stuff, but I liked this one. It was so~ cute!

I hope you have fun at the magic thing... I hear that Kelli is going...


Michelle said...

I'm glad to see all the bullspit-talkers from my spot have left you alone finally. You should check me out though, I get like 30 comments a day just people talking to each other about me. Gives me warm fuzzies.

Love ya baby brother

Anonymous said...

So, the food situation looks bad, huh? Try eating lots of fruit, the darker colored the better. And try romaine lettuce and raw spinach.

Anyways, powers, powers:
1.flying because it's so cool. I also HATE traveling so this is a good way to get around. Can I fly over, say, the Atlantic? If I have that kind of range, yes, flying! PARIS, here I come! for Free! Yippeeeee!

2.super speed because it's also so cool. I said I hate traveling--now I can get places faster. Don't need no car, no bus, no plane...

3.strength, the reason being I intend to use my flying and speed abilities to help people, and it won't help to get to someone who's drowning by flying to him, then be too physically weak to pick him up and take him to safety. I can also get people out of the way of speeding cars, etc. Yes, I know if you have speed you need less strength, but hitting someone at huge speeds to get him out of the way of a truck is the same as hitting him with the truck--those pesky physics rules! So I need the strength to ease down on the speed and still be able to scoop people up. I also want to look more buff.

4.invisibility so I can do all these functions without being seen. Jesus condemns people who do good deeds in public for public acclaim, so I would do any good deed invisibly, PLUS when I saved say someone lost in the woods (by flying overhead quickly and finding him/her) I'd become visible, help them so they don't totally freak out (less freaky to be saved by a super strong old lady than by an invisible super strong something), then swear them to secrecy. Plus, who would believe a story like that!?

So, flying, speed, strength, invisibility. So I put on a backpack, fly or walk on water over the Atlantic to, oh, PARIS, spend some time there, then come home the same way...the money I save on airfare I upgrade my hotel.

BTW, where does this energy come from? Is it magic? Sorry, I been reading too much physics and watching Mythbusters too much...

love you,

Anonymous said...

RE: making a fool of yourself in front of girls and survival traits. You have completely missed the point: the "making a fool of yourself in front of girls" only occurred after humans developed language, at which point the vast majority of evolutionary development had been completed.

I think your class is giving you new respect for actors, especially in stage plays. The ability to remember the lines, do the blocking, and then to project a character to the level of believability, is a truly impressive skill...

-- Your happy Dad