Friday, April 4, 2008

Today, And Today's D&D Session

This morning wasn't very interesting. I woke up around noon, after all, so I technically didn't experience any of it. When I went to go get lunch, I encountered people playing a bounce-the-enormous-ball-back-and-forth game in the plaza, so I joined them briefly. Since I tried to hit the enormous ball overhand, I was told that I had to wave my "newbie card" in shame. I did so. Shamefully. But it worked out in the end.

D&D was action-packed, if short. We fought against many, many undead creatures. My character was in excellent form, in that he threw one creature across the room with a blast of fire that ended up with him impaling himself upon an altar to my character's god. Bad to the bone, my guy is. I blew the head off another one, but, y'know, undead. It doesn't really matter.

Not much to say...The Luke-Approved YouTube Link of the Day is which is a song from the musical "Man of La Mancha" called "I, Don Quixote," sung by a professional singer with a really amazing voice, Brian Mitchell.

Oh, and there's this comic strip I've started reading, called "minus." It's about a little girl with reality-warping powers. I just found it today, honest, so it has nothing to do with my Protector of the Universe stories. But it's an interesting take on things. Check 'em out.

I'll get to the replies at the end of this three-updates-in-three-days period. I may add to this later tonight.


Anonymous said...

I'm kinda confuzzeled about why you updated...


Anonymous said...

The man updated because he's acting under the false pretenses that he owes something to his readership.

The chief law of the universe is scarcity. Or, at least, the chief law of the universe for humans is scarcity. Meaning that with all things in life being scarce, Luke shouldn't be worrying about when he updates.

Your time is valuable, Luke. REMEMBER OPPORTUNITY COST !

Every second you spend composing a response on here is a second you could have spent doing something else.

If it's fun to blog, and you have time, and you feel the urge to blog, then you should blog.

Don't blog because you feel you owe it to anyone.

The only thing you owe is to yourself, and that's to maximize your happiness through your work, family, and activities. Not neccessarily in that order, either.

Take care
